Hi blogging world. This week we did this activity called the Literacy Tumble which is this activity where you have to do reading and writing activities that you have to do for the following weeks of the term. There are 3 categories that you have to do, one of the categories is called the must do's and you have to finish all the activities in the must do's by the end of the week. Another one of the categories are called the should do's, which is extra work if you finish the must do's and one of the activities in the should do's is making a blog post which I am doing right now. The last one of those categories are called the could do's and if you finish all the activities in the must do's and the should do's you have to do the activities in the could do's. Once you finish a activity in any of the categories you record your work in slideshow which the teachers made. I have finished all of my activities in the must do's all in one day and now I am in the first activity in the should do's.
Here is the slideshow
Awesome explanation of what we set up this week Fadlan. You have done very well in your slideshow. You obviously work well independently. When you get to the Should do's and have done one of them, then you can do a could do if you prefer it to another should do. You can choose between them all at this point. Keep it up!